What’s BECE 2023 CSSPS automatic second-cycle school placement

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The automatic second-cycle school placement is a process by which the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) places a BECE graduate by merit, into one of his or her selected schools during the school selection.


“If the candidate’s aggregate falls within the merit of the programme chosen for their first choice, the CSSPS then checks the student’s preferred residential status, and then places them accordingly, based on the available space

If the desired residential status is full, the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) moves the candidate to their second choice and then repeats the process until placement is done

For instance, if a candidate with aggregate 8 would otherwise get placement in school A, but had chosen a Boarding option (which tends to be more competitive), and there happens to be no available space because other candidates with better aggregates have secured placement into the boarding house, the system will not place that a student on Day Status in that school because the Day Option was not the candidate’s residential choice for that school

The system will rather move them to their Second Choice School to attempt to get both their preferred programme as well as their choice of residential status. If unsuccessful, the system will proceed to their third choice, and the process is repeated until the student is placed.

Where a candidate has chosen a school both as Boarding and as their Compulsory Day Option, and if the system is unable to secure a boarding residential allocation for them, it will then seek to place them on with a Day residential allocation in that school.

Where a school is oversubscribed for a particular programme by students with similar aggregates, a Tie-Breaking System is employed to determine the Automatic SHS placement” an official of the Ghana Education Service explained.

How to check SHS/SHTS/TVET placement

Prospective BECE students are required to obtain a school placement checker or E-voucher from an approved vendor before they can proceed to check their computer school placement following the below method;

1. Visit the CSSPS portal

2. Click on check placement

3. Enter your Index number and add 23 as your year of completion (Eg. 123456789023)

4. Enter your placement card details (serial number and pin)

5. Click on submit and wait for a new window to display your placement.

6. Print the form if you have been placed and visit the school to begin the admission process

Congratulations as you successfully check your 2023 Senior High School placement, please do not hesitate to leave a comment in case any problem persists. Kindly report placement challenges to the CSSPS solution centre in your region.
