MoE reveals portal to check BECE 2023 SHS/SHTS/TVET placement

CSSPS portal

The Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) portal to check this year’s BECE graduates second cycle school placement is, an official of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has told


The official who spoke on condition of anonymity said unlike in previous years when students checked their school placement at or, they will this time check it only at

According to him, the computerized school placement website has been optimised for speed and can contain a huge amount of traffic. He indicated the bandwidth of the CSSPS portal has also been increased to avoid downtime.

Asked when the Ghana Education Service under the auspices of the Ministry of Education intend to release the school placement of the 2023 BECE graduates, the MoE official said preparations are still underway for the schools to be out.

In a form of advice, the Education Ministry official entreated 2023 BECE graduates who will be doing self-placement at the computer placement module from to decide first their preferred school before starting the school process.

How to check SHS/SHTS/TVET placement

Prospective BECE students are required to obtain a school placement checker or E-voucher from an approved vendor before they can proceed to check their computer school placement following the below method;

1. Visit the CSSPS portal

2. Click on check placement

3. Enter your Index number and add 23 as your year of completion (Eg. 123456789023)

4. Enter your placement card details (serial number and pin)

5. Click on submit and wait for a new window to display your placement.

6. Print the form if you have been placed and visit the school to begin the admission process

Congratulations as you successfully check your 2023 Senior High School placement, please do not hesitate to leave a comment in case any problem persists. Kindly report placement challenges to the CSSPS solution centre in your region.


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